RERAM is an international cooperation project funded by the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission in the field of climate protection, resource efficiency and raw materials. It is one of the few FP7-INCO projects addressing the forestry and woodworking sector.
Project no: FP7-INCO 609573
Consortium: 12 partners in 9 countries
EU: Germany, Belgium, Austria, Poland;
ENP countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Project duration: 01/06/2014 – 31/05/2016 (2 years)
Total budget: 1.3 million EUR
Webpage: www.reram.eu
Main activities
The RERAM project puts a focus on effective communication measures to sensitize the actors in the forestry and woodworking sector for the topic of resource efficiency and demonstrate technical and organizational solutions. With instructive enterprise checks, training and coaching measures in line with a broad dissemination the project will target local entrepreneurs and propose pathbreaking new pilot projects.
Main expected outcomes
- Regional baselines in resources and raw material use: Global sectoral analysis of the forest-wood-chain and self-assessment surveys of wood-working enterprises
- ‘Train the trainers’ programme for efficiency managers: Capacity building of regional intermediaries in raw material efficiency and cluster management
- Reality check and benchmarking of raw material performance: Hands-on survey and coaching of wood-working industries to raise entrepreneurs´ awareness
- Handbook ‘Resource efficiency in woodworking SMEs’: Technological guidance in 5 national languages how to improve raw material use in the wood-working sector
- Regional R2I Dialogues: Moderated public events and roundtables engaging stakeholders and policymakers to establish dialogue and consensus for sustainable resource efficiency
- Wood innovation toolkit: Portfolio of cluster management services and tools for implementing raw material efficiency measures in ENP countries
- Cross-regional twinning of clusters: New cross-regional B2B and B2Science partnerships among organisations and intermediaries
- Outreach and R2I clustering activities: coordination of joint activities of mutual interest with on-going R2I projects and multiple associated partners in ENP eastern countries
- Regional R2I Strategies and Exploitation Plan: initiation of new joint pilot projects for a Resource Efficient Forest Sector in ENP eastern countries