«FORZA, Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region» is a professional, independent, non-governmental, non-commercial and non-profit NGO.
NGO FORZA is a member of the Danube Civil Society Forum, the Working Group of Environmental NGOs on Climate Change Issues in Ukraine and The Public Council of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration.
What we do
As non-governmental organization we focus on sustainable community and natural resources development in the Ukrainian Carpathians and work in the following spheres:
- Sustainable multi-functional forest management
- Climate change
- Energy-efficiency and energy-saving
- Enhancing competitiveness in wood-based sector
- Sustainable tourism development
- Sustainable community development
What we offer
Sustainable development of the Carpathian region includes many topics and issues in which we are ready to collaborate on with authorities and non-governmental organizations, universities and research institutes, other institutions and active citizens.
The results we achieved would not have been possible without collaboration with our partners in Ukraine and abroad. See list of partners

The purpose of the activity
The mission of the NGO FORZA is promotion of sustainable development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine in the economic, environmental, and social aspects of the natural resource management and community development.
We are a team of like-minded people
We are a team of like-minded people, specialized in development of multifunctional forest management and promotion of close to nature silviculture, support of sustainable tourism development and community development, energy-efficiency and energy-saving, climate change adaptation, enhancement of competitiveness of forest based enterprises, improvement of strategies and related policy development.

to the green office principles
Have ideas for cooperation?
We are open for collaboration with authorities and civil society organizations, universities and research institutes, other institutions and active citizens in sustainable community and natural resources development in the Ukrainian Carpathians