The RERAM project was invited to present its success story in the European Parliament during the AFET-ITRE Conference "Building together a knowledge-oriented and forward-looking EU Neighbourhood". The event was organized jointly by the European Commission DG Research & Innovation and the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs and Industry, Technology, Research and Energy committees.
It was opened by the Chairs of both committees, Elmar Brok and Jerzy Buzek, together with EU Commissioner, Carlos Moedas, and the Latvian Minister for Education and Science, Marite Seile. The conference showcased a number of examples for successful collaboration of European and ENP countries in the EC 7th framework programme.
Mrs. Radmila Ustych of FORZA NGO and Dr. Uwe Kies of IIWH presented together the objectives and first lessons learnt of RERM's Train-the-trainers programme and enterprise efficiency checks in Ukraine.
More pictures from the European Parliament site: