in September 2015 FORZA participated in the kick-off event Danube Transnational Programme first call for proposals of which is now open and potential applicants - RERAM partners from the Danube territory - can submit Expression of interest by November 3, 2015.
The Danube Transnational Programme is a financing instrument of the European Territorial Cooperation also known as Interreg that provides framework for the implementation of joint actions and policy exchanges between national, regional and local actors from ERDF, IPA and ENI countries.
Danube Transnational Programme is meant to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion in the Danube Region. It comprises 14 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany – Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria-, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine – Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk and Odessa Oblasts)
The Danube Transnational Programme (2014-2020) is built around four thematic priority axes:
1. Innovative and socially responsible Danube region:
1.1 Improve framework conditions for innovation;
1.2 Increase competences for business and social innovation;
2. Environment and culture responsible Danube region:
2.1 Strengthen transnational water management and flood risk prevention;
2.2 Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources;
2.3 Foster the restoration and management of ecological corridors;
2.4 Improve preparedness for environmental risk management;
3. Better connected and energy responsible Danube region:
3.1 Support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas;
3.2 Improve energy security and energy efficiency;
4. Well-governed Danube region:
4.1 Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges;
4.2 Support to the governance and implementation of the EUSDR.
Under the Programme, at least three partners from at least three different countries join within a project for usually three years, at least one country having to be an EU member state. A lead partner assumes the overall control of a project. The programme addresses public and private stakeholders.
The following partners are eligible for funding under the Danube Transnational Programme:
- Public authorities (national, regional, local authorities)
- (Public) service providers
- Research institutes and universities
- Chambers and associations
- Business support organisations
- Enterprises
- Non-governmental organisations
Unfortunately, Ukraine is not eligible in the first call as full partner, only as associated strategic partner that should be included to the ERDF partner with budget that covers travel and accommodation. Therefore, FORZA used this event to identify and discuss project ideas and find partners for future collaboration. The information received during the kick-off is helpful for both project ideas preparation and understanding the essence of the of the program peculiarities.