This is the discussion topic of partners and invited participants of the RERAM project final conference that will take place in Lviv on May 18, 2016. The project goal is to strengthen the connection between the science and innovation in resource efficiency and raw materials.
The conference aims to promote strong partnership among companies, business facilitators, scientists and authorities to foster efficient use of raw materials and resources for a more competitive wood manufacturing sector. The themes for debates and discussions are practical methods, approaches and tools to improve resource efficiency in the forest sector for small and medium businesses. The event will be useful for wood processing enterprises, business support organizations, research and consulting organizations interested in the issues of resource efficiency in the forestry sector.
More information about the RERAM project conference can be found from the organizing committee or in the draft program below:
Date: 18 May 2016, 9:00-17:00
Venue: Hotel Taurus, Knyaza Svyatoslava square, 5, Lviv, Ukraine
RERAM Final Conference – Agenda
Time Activity, Presentation
09:00 Registration & coffee
(0:30) Welcome
Chair: Dr. Uwe Kies, IIWH / Moderator of morning session: Lesya Loyko, FORZA
- Welcome speech by VIP
- Introduction of consortium, overview of agenda
(0:30) The RERAM project: Promoting a resource efficient forest-based sector
- Dr. Uwe Kies, IIWH, Germany
(0:30) How to improve resource use and efficiency in wood manufacturing:
Lessons learnt from RERAM’s enterprise checks
- Mr. Roland Oberwimmer, Holzcluster Steiermark (HCS), Austria
11:00 Questions & Answers from the audience
11:15 World Café 1: Discussion tables, posters, coffee break | Press conference
(0:30) The forest-based sector of the ENP: challenges & future opportunities
- Prof. Dr. Orest Kiyko, Ukrainian National Forestry University (UNFU), Lviv
(0:15) Strategies and vision of the forest sector in Ukraine
- Ostap Yednak, Member of Parliament of Ukraine
- Lviv Forest Sector Council representative (tbc)
12:30 Questions & Answers from the audience
13:00 Lunch
Panel Discussions: 3 to 4 panel members give each a short flash presentation on a topic (max. 5 minutes, max. 2 slides). Then discussion including the audience.
14:00 (0:45) 1st Panel discussion : EFFICIENCY
How can resource efficiency be realised in companies and what are the benefits?
Panel moderator: Prof. Ewa Ratajczak, ITD, Poland
- Topic 1 – Audits & Checks: UA company case
- Topic 2 – Saving wood resources: UA company case
- Topic 3 – Indicators & toolkits: Austrian case
14:45 (0:45) 2nd Panel discussion : INNOVATION
How can innovation in resource efficiency be stimulated in companies?
Panel moderator: Roman Chirca, AITT, Moldova
- Topic 1 – Innovation Vouchers: MD company case / ener2i project
- Topic 2 – Competitions: UA company case
- Topic 3 – Process Innovation: UA company case
15:30 World Café 2: Discussion tables, posters, coffee break
16:00 (0:45) 3rd Panel discussion : VALUE CHAINS
How can efficient manufacturing promote new markets and value chains?
Panel moderator: Volodymyr Vorobey, WPFC, Ukraine
- Topic 1 – Domestic markets for wood products: GE company case
- Topic 2 – Furniture prefabrication, international suppliers: company case
- Topic 3 – EU import-export, value chain solutions: UA company cases
- Topic 4 – New business models: UA company case
16:45 (0:15) Wrap up and main conclusions
- Dr. Uwe Kies, IIWH, Germany
17:00 End of meeting
17:15 Guided city tour through Lviv Old town
20:00 Joint dinner
RERAM Final Conference - Excursion Day, 19 May 2016
Time Activity, Presentation
7:30 Departure by bus from hotel
9:00 Excursion to local wood manufacturing companies
16:00 Arrival at hotel, individual departure
Organizing committee
Uwe Kies (coordinator)
IIWH - Internationales Institut für Wald und Holz e.V., Münster, Germany
+49-251.674.3240, uwe.kies@wald-zentrum.de , www.wald-zentrum.de
Lesya Loyko (NGO head, project manager)
FORZA NGO - Agency for Sustainable Development of the Carpathian Region, Uzhorod, Ukraine
+380312 671450, lesya.loyko@forza.org.ua, www.forza.org.ua
Volodymyr Vorobey (Director, CEO)
WPFC Wood and Furniture Processing Cluster, Lviv, Ukraine
+380 32 2457812, vv@ppv.net.ua , www.domv.lviv.ua
Sophiko Akhobadze (director)
REC Regional Environmental Centre of the Caucasus, Tbilisi, Georgia
+995 32 2253649, sophiko.akhobadze@rec-caucasus.org, www.rec-caucasus.org