SIPPO: export promotion program for technical wood
The Swiss Import Promotion Programme SIPPO of Switzerland-Global Enterprise supports private small- and medium-sized enterprises from countries in transition that endeavour to access the Swiss and the EU markets.
Under the patronage of SECO, the State Secretariat for the Economy of the Swiss government, the programme offers
- Branch-related market information,
- Technical assistance for product design and marketing,
- Promotion in Switzerland and in the EU as well as
- Assistance at selected leading international trade fairs.
Ukrainian companies have the possibility to be promoted and supported by SIPPO and -if selected- to participate in trade fairs in the European Union, to get to know the European market and to make valuable contacts with EU and Swiss importers.
In Ukraine, through collaboration between SIPPO and NGO FORZA, 18 wood processing and furniture companies took advantage of SIPPO support and participated in 12 leading European trade fairs (Wooden Toys 2007, 2008; Hausbau & Energie 2010; Swissbau 2009,2012; IMM 2011; Interzum 2011, 2013; Domotex 2014; ZOW 2014, Interzum 2015, ZOW 2016).
SIPPO proposes to support Ukrainian woodprocessing companies in their participation in Interzum 2015. The interested company’s registration fee for SIPPO services is Euro 1500 for the first time participation. In general, SIPPO proposes a three year program of participation. The registration fee includes:
· Stand rental within the SIPPO collective stand (7-10 m2). The stand is in the very center of the pavilion, with internet, cleaning, office and kitchen facilities where one can welcome and treat a potential customer.
· One poster with the company logo and a banner with photo of key product.
· SIPPO enters the company’s profile in the SIPPO exhibitor brochure and to the official trade fair catalogue. SIPPO dispatches the paper version of the exhibitors’ brochure to several hundred selected importers in Switzerland and the EU, the electronic exhibitors’ brochure to over 2000 importers from the SIPPO database
· SIPPO provides ongoing coaching by experts during preparation to the fair
· SIPPO provides hotel accommodation for two company’s representatives (6 nights).
In other words, the company pays only for transportation of company staff and samples, for making the English version of the web-site and for promo materials. What is offered by SIPPO indeed pays, since individual participation in Interzum costs about Euro 10.000.
For more info on SIPPO collective stands and their participants at previous trade fairs, please check SIPPO exhibitor booklets.
For details on how to participate in the SIPPO program please contact Radmila Ustych.