USFS Water quality BMPs for Ukraine
Project Goal/Aim: Main goal of the project is to deliver technical and practical knowledge on the watershed condition classification and best management practices related to forest management to Ukrainian counterparts, namely researchers, forest inventory specialists, forest engineers, forest roads engineers, chief foresters and forest managers.
Objective 1: To deliver to UA forest inventory specialists specific knowledge on the watershed condition classification in order to further integrate this knowledge in the process of regular (10 years) forest inventory and planning (delivered by USFS expert based on Watershed Condition Classification Technical Guideand presentation of the Watershed condition classification recommendations developed within the previous action, delivered by UA expert.)
Objective 2: To deliver to UA researchers, forest engineers, forest roads engineers, chief foresters specific technical knowledge on Best management practices related to watershed health and climate change adaptation and mitigation(delivered by USFS expert based on New Hampshire Best Management Practices for Erosion Control on Timber Harvesting Operations; Best Management Practices for Forestry:Protecting New Hampshire’sWater Quality; and Best Management Practices For Erosion Control During Trail Maintenance and Constructionfound the most relevant for natural conditions of Ukrainian Carpathians.)
А1) 4-day Technical and practical training “Watershed classification for forest inventory and planning specialists” for 15 participants from institutions entitled to conduct forest inventory and planning in the mountainous conditions of Ukrainian Carpathians and representative of the State forest resources Agency of Ukraine.
A2) 5-day Technical and practical training on Best management practices related to watershed health and climate change adaptation and mitigation for 15 participants from forestry research and development institutions, the State forest resources Agency of Ukraine,forest administration and state forest enterprises working in the mountainous conditions of Ukrainian Carpathians.