During the timeframe from April 18 to May 16 online training was held, dedicated to the topic of Best Management Practices (BMPs) of US Forest Service, applied by foresters and contractors with purpose to protect water resources in the respective area of responsibility.
The training consisted of five (5) independent thematic webinars, every each of them covered certain aspect or issue of practical use of BMPs, in a format of presentation, discussion and later self-assessment questionnaire.
The training was organized jointly and in close collaboration between NGO FORZA and IP USFS as a part of the project «USFS Water quality BMPs for Ukraine», implemented with the financial support of USFS (USDA).
Thus, Ukrainian colleages working in the forest sector, including foresters, ecologists, practitioners, researchers and teachers, as well as students and vocational students, had a possibility to participate in the online webinars:
April 18 Sensitive Resources BMPs, Pauline Adams, UFS hydrologist;
April 25 BMPs for landings, skid/haul roads, Tom Pavlesych, Forestry Program Manager from Watershed Agricultural Council;
May 2 Timber harvest techniques, Lisa Ball, USFS expert;
May 9 Sale administration: compliance and monitoring Sediment Breakthroughs Associated with Logging in the NYC Watershed, Kris Brown from Watershed Agricultural Council;
May 16 Low volume roads, Erica Borum, Project Engineer at National Stream & Aquatic Ecology Center.
Unfortunately the 6th webinar, aimed at Data Sharing was canceled and postponed to the next coming training within the project.
In total, all 5 webinars have gathered 189 paraticipants. For us it is a very high number and indication that such thematic meetings aimed at exchange of professional information are important and demanded by Ukrainian experts and specialists.
All the registered participants have received materials of the webinars (in Ukrainian, see UA version of the article).
Below you can find links to the English version of webinar recording:
Webinar 1: https://youtu.be/MY2BT_f83TQ
Webinar 2: https://youtu.be/YDruZejeCqw
Webinar 3: https://youtu.be/JvRts689zmk
Webinar 4: https://youtu.be/eprf4fvVlfY
Webinar 5: https://youtu.be/F1n3jQ_HlBQ