This was the title of the educational-methodical workshop for teachers of physics and heads of kindergardens from Mukachevo city that took place at the last week of December in the premises of Mukachevo School №1 named after O.S.Pushkin in the framework of the project “YES - Young Energy Specialists against energy waste in cross-border schools”.
The purpose of this event was to improve the capacity of teachers in effective teaching of the course named "Energy Saving and Climate Mitigation". During the workshop the trainer from Kyiv Olena Melnykova proposed to consider different forms and methods that can be used in teaching of the course elements upon energy saving and economical use of resources into lessons of natural-mathematical cycle and lessons with preschoolers.
Trainer made group and individual exercises on the themes: "Sustainable development and climate change mitigation," "Energy consumption," "Sources of energy", "Climate change" and "Mitigation of Climate Change", and this will support the teachers with practical knowledge and skills, that they can use in educational process.
Teachers also learned themselves, participating in practical exercises and interactive games aimed to help them to develop skills of a reasonable consumption of resources and energy in school and at home for their pupils. Games and exercises called "The needs and desires," "We go to buy food," "Photosynthesis", "Food chain", the brainstorming "Who will offer more tools for apartments’ insulation" and others – they all are aimed at achieving the goal of the YES project - raise awareness of teachers and students in the field of energy efficiency. It should be noted that all teachers have received information and methodological support - a package of exercises and games which they can later use in their practical work.
This workshop was a good opportunity for participants wishing to work on long-term basis at improvement of their knowledge and skills, to receive advices on the forms and methods of teaching the elements of energy saving course and use them in the educational process.
Additional info: “YES - Young Energy Specialists against energy waste in cross-border schools” project is being implemented since October 2013 until December 2015 in framework of the Cross-border cooperation Program Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI for 2007-2013, under priority 4: Support people to people cooperation, Measure 4.2. Small scale “People to people” cooperation.