We are a team of like-minded people, specialized in development of multifunctional forest management and promotion of close to nature silviculture, support of sustainable tourism development and community development, energy-efficiency and energy-saving, climate change adaptation, enhancement of competitiveness of forest based enterprises, improvement of strategies and related policy development.
Our experience stems from 7 years of implementation of the Swiss-Ukrainian Forest Development Project in Transcarpathia FORZA
Our team:
Lesya Loyko, FORZA NGO head
Background: Lawyer
Competences: project development and management, implementation and monitoring of projects in forest management, environment, climate change, community and tourism development, energy-saving, public diplomacy, public administration, improvement of strategies and related policy development, info campaign, sustainable local development
Years of experience: 23
Foreign languages: English, Hungarian, Russian
Yuriy Derbal, Manager of the sustainable forest and natural resource management sector
Background: Forest engineer
Competences: natural resource based sustainable local development, multifunctional forest and hunting management and planning, community natural resource development planning, close to nature silviculture, climate change, forest certification, forest economy, forest education and forest pedagogic, energy-efficiency and energy-saving, gender issues
Years of experience: 32
Foreign languages: Slovak, Russian

Radmila Ustych, Manager of the economic sector
Background: Economist
Competences: cluster analysis and formation, marketing of forest-based products, sustainable local economic development, energy-efficiency and energy-saving in schools, climate change adaptation
Years of experience: 16
Foreign languages: English, Slovak, Russian

Nataliya Voloshyna, Manager of community development and sustainable tourism development sector
Background: International economic relations
Competences: community development / mobilization, participatory community natural resource development planning, involvement of communities into decision-making processes, info campaigns and PR, sustainable tourism development, forest certification, forest pedagogics, sustainable forest management, energy-efficiency and energy-saving in education, climate change adaptation
Years of experience: 13
Foreign languages: English, Slovak, Russian

Olga Kostyukova, Financial manager/ Accountant
Background: Economist
Competences: financial management, accounting for public and private sector, procurement, event management, logistics, HR
Years of experience: 36
Foreign languages: English, Russian

Svitlana Kuptsova, Administrator
Background: Interpreter and office-manager
Competencies: event management (organization of workshops/conferences), office administration, logistics, record management, communication, translation and interpretation (English/Ukrainian/Russian)
Years of experience: 12
Foreign languages: English, Russian