
Tricolor is a tripartite collaboration for increased use of biomass for sustainable heat or electricity production.

The project aims at the strengthening of existing and the establishment of new networks for a sustainable utilization of forest-based biomass through transnational cooperation and exchange of knowledge and best practices. Tricolor is a threelateral project between partners:

  • Energikontor Sydost (Regional Energy Agency for Southest Sweden)
  • NGO Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region FORZA
  • Tartu Regional Energy Agency TREA (Estonia)

- Unfolded and coordinated existing regional capacities in order to increasingly use the available biomass potentials of forests, short rotation or industry.
- Increased transfer of knowhow and experience across the regions in fields of common interest along the value chain.
- Strengthened multi-actor interregional network across the partner regions. 

Project duration: 01 June 2019 - 30 November 2020
Financial support is provided by the Swedish Insistute Baltic Sea Cooperation Programme. 

  1. Identify and compile regional and joint contact database of experts in fields of common interest along the value chain
  2. Identify and document best practice examples of current bioenergy use in each partner region
  3. Conduct benchmarking visits to partner regions and match making workshops
  4. Discuss and document a draft stakeholder cooperation mechanism beyond the project life