The final conference of the "DETLUP: development through land use planning” project

The final conference "Land use planning in V4 and EaP countries: experience, successes and challenges" will take place on March 31, 2017 within the «DETLUP: development through land use planning” supported by the International Visegrad Foundation.
The event is hold by NGO FORZA in partnership with partner organizations from the Visegrad countries, Moldova and Georgia.
Venue: Lviv, Hotel Taurus, Kn. Svyatoslava str., 5 conference - hall №1.
Objective of the event:
• to present the results of the DETLUP project, land use planning approaches in the V4 and EAP countries
• to improve the knowledge and professional capacity of local and regional authorities, NGOs, urbanists and architects in land use planning as bases of good governance and sustainable local development,
• to contribute to the development of technical skills of stakeholders in urban planning.