The best way of getting knowledge is practical learning by doing – and that’s why within the implementation of the project “YES - Young Energy Specialists against energy waste in cross-border schools there was organized a visit to the Center of alternative and renewable sources of energy for teachers of natural-mathematical cycle from Mukachevo schools, aimed at participation in master-class on making of solar collectors.
YES project coordinator Lesya Loiko briefly presented the goal of this training for teachers and SUNRISE project coordinator Olesya Nosenko presented the SUNRISE project goals and results, as well as the conditions and the process of workshop on making of solar collectors. Workshop on making of solar collector operates at the premises of the Chaslivtsy House of Culture and it was established in the framework of international project “SUNRISE – Sustainable use of natural resources by small enterprises”.
During the master-class, teachers learned the principle of operation of solar collectors, possibilities of their usage for social institutions, small businesses and private premises and, importantly, the process of solar collector production by own forces. Trainer Patsarniuk Yaroslav described the stages of production process, demonstrated the equipment and tools used in the production of collectors and willingly answered questions from teachers about the choice of used materials, fastening elements, as well as the estimated cost of materials.
The training was organized and conducted for teachers to be able not only theoretically but also practically demonstrate and teach children about the benefits and the actual characteristics of alternative energy sources, in this case - solar collectors for water heating. Such knowledge and skills are increasingly relevant, particularly in the present situation, considering the growing need to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources and addressing issues of comfortable conditions for life and learning.
We are grateful to the department of education of Mukachevo city executive committee for their help in organizing of this study tour for teachers, as well as to the Zakarpattya Association of students of economics, implementer of SUNRISE project, for their willingness to share best practices and the opportunity to participate in the training.
Additional info: “YES - Young Energy Specialists against energy waste in cross-border schools” project is being implemented since October 2013 until December 2015 in framework of the Cross-border cooperation Program Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI for 2007-2013, under priority 4: Support people to people cooperation, Measure 4.2. Small scale “People to people” cooperation.
Enjoy photo-report at https://picasaweb.google.com/113805013373103711164/YesTeachersChaslitsi?...