ROSEWOOD4.0 Final Event - Fostering Innovation Towards a More Sustainable Forest Sector in Europe

On 14-15 June the H2020 ROSEWOOD4.0 project will hold its final event in Barcelona, Spain (hosted in a hybrid format). The event is co-organised by the European Forest Institute (EFI) and Steinbeis Europe Zentrum (SEZ) and will consist of 3 sessions with innovation towards a more sustainable forestry sector in Europe as the cornerstone. Attendees will be able to decide whether to participate in the whole event or just register for any of the organised modules.

Session I – The ROSEWOOD4.0 project: main results & outcomes (Tuesday 14 June. 9:30 – 13:00 CEST)

In view of the completion of the ROSEWOOD4.0 project in June, Session I will focus on its results and outcomes, the work developed by the different European hubs of the project network, with special attention on innovation and digitisation of the forest sector to achieve sustainable forest value chains. This session will also give more details on the sustainability plan of the ROSEWOO4.0 network and its activitiesafter the end of the project.

Session II – How to ensure long-term sustainability of networks once the project is over? Tools and methods (Tuesday 14 June. 14:00 – 18:00 CEST)

Session II will focus on the long-term sustainability of networks once the funding from the European Commission is over. To this end, the session will present tools and methods to ensure the continuity and viability of initiatives and EU thematic networks such as ROSEWOOD4.0 in the long term. Representatives from Forest Europe, theEUFarmBook project and EFI's Bioregions Facility will participate in the session to discuss the existing tools to sustain these networks. In addition, four success stories that exemplify the long-term success and sustainability of European projects will be presented.

Session III – Working groups: foster innovation towards a more sustainable forest sector – an open space market (Wednesday 15 June. 9:30 – 13:00 CEST)

On the second day, in Session III, the ROSEWOOD4.0 organising committee will provide working spaces for those event participants who want to build international collaboration initiatives, formulate ideas for EU projects with other partners and explore synergies of work on common themes. For this purpose, working groups will be set up to work on those topics and EC grants proposals that participants have proposed in the registration form(attendees can suggest their topics and proposals until 31 May).

ROSEWOOD4.0 Final Event webpage (info, tentative agenda & registration):