Summarizing round table meeting in framework of the project HYDROFOR: Systems of optimal forest management for enhancing the hydrological role of forests in preventing the floods in Bodrog river catchment, aimed at discussion of forest management impact on hydrological functions of forest ecosystems and clarification of recommendations on improvement of forest management practices, took place on Tuesday, December 1st in Svalyava city in premises of State Enterprise “Svalyava forest management”.
The meeting gathered representatives of Ukrainian research institute of mountainous forestry (leading organizers of the round table meeting), State Agency of forest resources of Ukraine, Lviv state forest inventory group, Zakarpattya regional forest and hunting administration, Department of ecology and natural resources of Zakarpattya regional state administration, forestry chair of Uzhhorod National University, Skole, Slavsk (Lviv region) and Volovets (Zakarpattya region) state forest management enterprises, as well as FORZA NGO (lead project partner).
Representation of participants was an outstanding condition of effective work of the round table meeting, as the recommendations, formed based on scientific outputs and achievements of the project HYDROFOR, are related not only to forest management bodies, but also local state authorities and self-governments, water management, land use department, agricultural department, research and development and directly to the forest management enterprises, that is why it was important to reach common understanding around the abovementioned recommendations.
To aware participants about outputs of the project and basis for the developed recommendations, HYDROFOR experts presented the following issues: Guidelines on the improvement of forest management practices and enhancement abilities of flood regulation in Uzh and Latorytsya river basins (Vasyl Parpan, UA presentation at: http://forza.org.ua/uk/osnovni-polozhennya-rekomendaciy-z-pokrashchennya-gidrologichnoyi-roi-lisiv-ta-posilennya); Results of hydrological situation modelling and flood risk map at the HYDROFOR territory (Yuriy Derbal, UA presentation at: http://forza.org.ua/uk/rezultati-modelyuvannya-gidrologichnoyi-situaciyi-ta-karta-rizikiv-formuvannya-poveney-na-teritoriy); Improvement of forest infrastructure for enhancement of hydrological role of forest areas (Volodymyr Korzhov, UA presentation at: http://forza.org.ua/uk/vdoskonalennya-lisovoyi-infrastrukturi-dlya-posilennya-gidrologichnoyi-roli-lisovih-teritoriy).
After that all participants discussed proposed draft recommendations on the optimization of forest management for enhancement of hydrological role of forests, introduced some clarifications and changes and agreed upon the decision to send this draft document to the round table meeting participants, regional forest management authorities, water management authorities for the finalization. Draft recommendations (in UA only) is located here: http://forza.org.ua/uk/proekt-rekomendaciy-z-optimizaciyi-lisoupravlinnya-ta-vedennya-lisovogo-gospodarstva-dlya-posilennya
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Project HYDROFOR: Systems of optimal forest management for enhancing the hydrological role of forests in preventing the floods in Bodrog river catchment is implemented in the framework of Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013, Priority 2: Enhance environmental quality, Measure 2.2. Emergency preparedness.