This was the common conclusion of the partners of the FOR SOC partner meeting after discussion the implementation issues in Kosice
On the 5-th of April the project partners meeting took place at the premises of the Municipal Forest Enterprise of Kosice city. The following Partners’ representatives were present: from Slovakia –National Forest Centrum (Lead partner), Municipal Forest Enterprise of Kosice city, Church Forest Enterprise PRO POPULO Poprad; Vocational Forest School from Presov, from Ukraine - Agency for Sustainable Development of the Carpathian region “FORZA”, National Nature Park “Zacharovanyi krai”, from Norway - Skogbrukets Kursinstitutt Forestry Extension Institute (Norway).
Each of Partners made a report on the factual status of the work up to date. Partners also talked over the ways and exchange experience in project implementation issues.
Then Partners planned the time schedule and discussed organizational issues of the implementation of further project activities, in particular: the survey and analysis of educational needs through questionnaires, maintenance of the project website, creation of educational program, International children's camp, trainings of trainers and study tours, construction and reconstruction of hiking trails, demonstration educational objects.
Partners also agreed upon the procedure of the preparation of the first interim report, received the infornation from the lead partner about the particularities of the project publicity, and decided what should be done for the establishment of the cluster in the framework of the project implementation.
More information about the project you can find at the web-site of the project: http://www.forsoc.org/site/en/