European Mobility Week in Carpathians

Overall objective: Increase the quality of the natural and urban environment and thus contribute to the enhancement of the life quality of inhabitants of target regions.
Specific objectives:

  1. Introduce permanent modal changes in mobility patterns leading to the decrease of private car use in favour of more sustainable means of transportation in Ukrainian and Slovak municipalities.  
  2. Increase the extent and quality of publicity of alternative and more sustainable forms of mobility and recognize – strengthen the activities of local municipalities in this area.

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Project partners:
1.NGO FORZA, Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region
2. Agency for the support of Regional Development Kosice

Project duration: February 2011 - December 2012

Work package 1 Organisation of permanent measure competition
Work package 2  Organisation of European Mobility Week in Ukraine and Slovakia (selected pilot territories)
Work Package 3  Project Management