DRWO4.0 семінар Промисловість4.0 та Циркулярна економіка

On October 4, 2024, at the inspiring location of Jam Factory Art Center in Lviv, NGO FORZA together with the Lviv Furniture Cluster held a seminar “DRWO4.0: Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy - Prospects for Furniture Companies” as part of the DRWO4.0 project.

Why should furniture and woodworking companies follow the work of this project?

Firstly, it provides a unique opportunity to gain access to effective examples in production. The seminar participants learned about the purpose, goals, planned activities, and first results of the project, including the results of a self-assessment study of the woodworking industry's readiness to transform into smart enterprises based on the key elements of Industry 4.0. Lesia Loiko from FORZA said that out of the 14 enterprises that took part in the study, the average overall score of readiness to transform into smart enterprises was 2.7 out of 5, with the highest scores in the Lean category (3/5). These results once again emphasize the need for further work by enterprises to improve digitalization and environmental practices.

Secondly, familiarity with the experience of successful cases will help to understand how the principles of Industry 4.0 and the circular economy can be integrated into furniture design and production.  Radmila Ustich from FORZA NGO presented practical aspects of implementing the principles of Industry 4.0 and the circular economy in furniture design, pointing out circular design strategies and specific examples of implementation. Orest Kyiko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Furniture and Wood Products Technology at the Research Institute of Woodworking Technologies and Design of the National Laboratory of Technology and Design, an associate partner of the project, shared his vision of the industry development and valuable advice to help companies start Industry 4.0 processes and reduce their environmental footprint.

Thirdly, the project provides a platform for cooperation and exchange of experience between enterprises. The seminar was attended by 20 participants who actively discussed challenges and ways to overcome them in the areas of digitalization and circularity. We are pleased that a wonderful symbiosis of furniture companies, science, the cluster, and a public organization has developed that will help integrate modern digital technologies to increase the efficiency and productivity of enterprises.

A special role in this process was played by the Lviv Furniture Cluster, which not only actively participated in the organization of the event, promoting partnerships and supporting innovations in the industry, but also became our like-minded partner in finding ways to improve.

This event was organized within the project “DRWO4.0 Model for the Transition of the Woodworking Industry in the Danube Region to Industry 4.0”, implemented within the framework of the Interreg Danube Regional Program and co-financed by the European Union.

Download the project presentations here.