Regional workshop "Land Use Planning Nowadays" will take place in Uzhhorod

First among the four planned regional workshops in Ukraine will be conducted at the 15-th of April this yearin Uzhhorod within the “DETLUP: Development through land use planning” Project with the support of the International Visegrad fund. DETLUP is the project of international cooperation that aims to improve knowledge of representatives of local and regional government, NGOs and regional planners about good land use plan for successful economic and social development. REGIONAL WORKSHOP for architects, urban planners, local administrations from Zakarpattia is named as “LAND USE PLANNING NOVADAYS: good bases and incentive for successful economic and social development”. It will take placein the Conference hall of Zakarpattia oblasty administration, Uzhhorod, Narodna sq., 4, 10:00-16:00.
Aim of the workshop: Improve the knowledge of local and regional authorities, NGOs, urbanists and architects in land use planning as bases of good governance and sustainable local development, contribute to the development of technical skills of stakeholders in urban planning
This workshop is very important for Zakarpattia, because, in our opinion, many settlements and communities lack the land development, which in turn inhibits the attraction of investments in priority sectors of economy, the enhancement of cross-border collaboration and community development itself. We invite to participate in the workshop all stakeholders.

Time Topic of presentation/discussion Speaker/Moderator  
9:30-10:00 Registration of participants All participants  
10:00-10:10 Welcome from the Zakarpattia oblasty administration and DETLUP project Representative  
10:10-10:20 Introduction of participants and program Yuriy Derbal, FORZA  
Overview of land use planning issue  
10:20-10:35 Strategic Development Plan– basis for the land use plan development Gejza Legen,  
11:30 – 11:45
Benefits of Land use plan for local development
Terms of reference for the land use planners: essentials that should be included
Land use planning process in Ukraine: how it is done and what might be improved
Questions and answers to the 1st block. Discussion
Dusan Burák,
Edit Lukács, NORIIA
Mykola Pygulyak, chief architect Zakarpattia oblasty administration
Moderator, all participants
11:45-12:00 Coffee break    
European experience on public participation and stakeholder involvement
in the land use planning process
Land use planning process in Slovakia: incentives, steps, tools
Who are the stakeholders and particularities of the public information and involvement
Dusan Burák,
Réka Filep, NORIIA
12:45-13:00 How to involve the stakeholders in the planning process on different stages Gejza Legen,  
13:00-13:15 Procedure of the plan agreement and approval Dusan Burák,  
13:15-13:30 Questions and answers to the 2nd block. Discussion Moderator, all participants
13:30-14:30 Lunch    
Best practices in V4 countries  
14:30-15:00 Practical exercise Dusan Burák,  
15:00-15:30 Best practices on land use planning from Slovakia and Hungary Experts  
15:30-15:45 Questions and answers to the 3d block. Discussion Moderator, all participants  
15:45-16:00 Summary of the WS and wrap up    
16:00 Departure of participants