CirCLER - Circular Economy Transition Manager

Project reference: 101140033

Start date: 01.02.2024

End date: 31.01.2027

Program: Erasmus+

Key action: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices 

Action types: Alliances for education and enterprises  

Coordinator: AMBIT, Spain

Consortium includes 15 partners from 7 European counrties:  Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine 

Project website:

The transition toward a more Circular Economy of the very relevant and growing EU Furniture sector requires companies to properly guide this process and its challenges. The sector lacks the occupational profile of the Circular Economy Transition Manager(CETM) and the related needed training.

CirCLER will deliver Circular Economy Transition Manager (CETM) new joint curricula (EQF4,5,6) filling in the gaps of current related green, digital, transversal skills, taking into account EU VET and HE policies and principles (ECTS, EQF, EQAVET).

It will create an innovative training toolkit including several multimedia and interactive materials and tools, enabling EU VET providers and HEIS to train professionals to successfully lead this transition along the furniture sector whole value chain.

Overall, CirCLER will improve national and EU VET systems, support SKC needs detection and their provision satisfaction, together with key stakeholders involvement, it will make furniture sector more resilient and allow it to reach its proper circular transition.


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CirCLER – Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy
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CirCLER – Circular Economy Transition Manager: guiding companies of the furniture value chain to deploy their transition strategy for a more circular economy
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In May, partners implemented the CirCLER questionnaire to identify and validate the competencies required for a highly demanded new role in the furniture sector: the Circular Economy Transition Man
On June 20, 2024, the CirCLER project partners convened online for their second meeting.
Download the CirCLER leaflet in English and Ukrainian here.