SMOOTH: Sustainable modes of travel to School

This project is funded by the Swedish Institute.

Aim of the project - foster the knowledge and strengthen Ukrainian municipalities institutional capacities in applying school mobility management to achieve behavioral change in safer and more sustainable travel modes. 

Duration: 01.03.2024 - 31.03.2025

Total budget: 999 992 SEK

Partners of the project:

  • Energikontor Syd (Sweden) - Lead Beneficiary
  • NGO FORZA (Ukraine)
  • PUMA (Poland)
  • Department of International Cooperation and Innovation of Uzhhorod City Council (Ukraine)

Gathering Good examples
The program will build on gathering good examples and experience exchange at the local and international level.

Moreover a tutorial for capacity building will be developed and disseminated to key target groups.

Study Visit
Therefore a main capacity building output is a study visit and tutorial, including related material. Moreover a soft output will be the networking and the strengthening of an informal peer support network.

School MobilityPlan and mobility comitee
At the local Ukrainian level a school mobility plan will be created, as well as a school mobility committee formed. Mainly this activity is destined to Ukrainian partners and target group; existing interest we may expand to other participants in the activities.

Public campaigns
We target to root behavioural changes via public campaigns and interactive activities with children, and parents (competition for school grades on mobility innovations, cycling picnic, promotion of using public transport, excursion to the public transport municipal company, etc.) that will be adjusted based on the priorities and focus areas applicable in the local context.

If you follow our favorite topics, you know that sustainable urban mobility is definitely among them.