ZOW 2016 fair is over, and the companies are back home with 316 contacts!
This year, from 16 to 19 February 2016 in Bad Salzuflen, Germany, the collective stand at ZOW supported by Swiss Import Promotion Program SIPPO hosted 4 companies from Bosnia and Serbia, and 4 companies from Ukraine, including:
- K’Len
- Euroshpon-Smyha
- Gelika
- Agroderew
The trade fair for furniture components was rich in information, innovation and inspiration. Participants were satisfied with 316 contacts they made to professional buyers and producers. Now the real work begins! We wish a lot of new contracts to our companies.
Interview with companies here https://www.facebook.com/swissimport/?ref=ts&fref=ts
Photos from the fair here https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=B740DCF5F52B9E64!574&authkey=!ANHA...