Project HYDROFOR: SYSTEMS OF OPTIMAL FOREST MANAGEMENT FOR ENHANCING THE HYDROLOGICAL ROLE OF FORESTS IN PREVENTING THE FLOODS IN BODROG RIVER CATCHMENT starts series of meetings with stakeholders, local communities and representatives, who live and work within Uzh and Latorytsya watersheds, which form Ukrainian portion of the cross-border catchment of Bodrog river.
It was decided that first workshop will take place on World Environment Day, on Friday, June 5, 2015, in Perechyn town, with the invited participants from among the official representatives of territorial communities, forest management enterprises of Uzh valley, Uzhanskyi National Nature Park, non-governmental organizations, who work in this territory, representatives of regional environmental department and Tysa river basin water resources management.
Program of the seminar includes presentations and discussions on the issues of enhancement of hydrological role of forests, map of flood risks and forest cover change in Bodrog river catchment, impact of forest transportation network on hydrological function of forest territories, recommendations on the forest management in context of hydrological function of forests as well as examples of simple and low-cost practical activities for retention of water in the forest and best practices in building of small hydro-technical constructions. Besides this participants of the seminar will have a possibility to visit HYDROFOR demonstration plot in Babayovo area.
Such seminars, but for Slovakian stakeholders, took place last week in Ulichka watershed, with the participation of representatives from Zakarpattya regional forest and hunting administration, Perechyn and Svalyava state forest management enterprises from Zakarpattya region and Osmoloda state forest management enterprise from Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as team members of the partner organizations of the project.
HYDROFOR: SYSTEMS OF OPTIMAL FOREST MANAGEMENT FOR ENHANCING THE HYDROLOGICAL ROLE OF FORESTS IN PREVENTING THE FLOODS IN BODROG RIVER CATCHMENT project is implemented by FORZA Agency in partnership with National Forest Center (Slovakia) and UkrRIMF (Ivano-Frankivsk) with the financial support of European Union.